
Monday, July 25, 2005

So sad!

Last Friday,I was very unlucky because I had three misfortune.The firsr one was during recess time,I did not go up to the locker together with my the other friend because we did noy have enough time as we needed to changed our PE-attire back to our uniform,queue up to buy lunch,so we did not go up to the locker and took out our Science file.When we were preparing to go into our Science class , we asked our teacher if we could go to the locker and took out our Science file she said 'No'!Then,in the class she asked who never bring Science notes must go out of the classroom and we stood there for one hour and there were not only us who did not bring science notes.The teacher wanted the class chairperson to record our names don in the class diary.I did not feel sad because I did not think that it was mistake.however my form teacher would scold us if our names appeared in the class diary then I started to feel frightened.During CME period luckily our form teacher did not see the class diary.She played games with us.I think that I would explain to her why my name appear in the class diary.Due to some arguement between the class chairperson and the other boy, our teacher became very angry and walked out of the class and we were left alone in the class.Now I an still wondering whether our form teacher would come to class on Monday.The last misfortune was that when I was at home Ifound out that my Science textbook had lost.I called my friend who was still in school to help me check whether my Science textbook was still in the locker she told me that she would call back to me later.I was very scared and kept wondering if I did bring back my Science textbook then my friend called back to me she said that my textbook was in the locker.I was ver happy again!


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