
Friday, August 19, 2005


Today,all the Secondary ones and twos had to go to watch our school hockey players competing with the others National Sports School.Both the girls' hockey players and the boys' hockey players had a chance to compete with the other schools.The first round was our girls hockey competing with the other girls'school.The girls had lost!They felt very disaapointed with themselves and some of them even cried.Next round was our boys hockey players competing with Raffles boys hockey players.The boys had won and got the first!We all cheered loudly for them.Soon,it was time to go back home.I felt very exhausted but happy that our school hockey players had done us proud!

Monday, August 08, 2005


Hmm...Singapore is going to be 40 years old!Singapore became independant in the 9th of August 1965.Today in school we celebrate National Day!It was very exciting whwn we went to school this morning.We watched the choir singing t5he National Day song,Then we watched some of our teachers and pupils singing.We started school from 7.10 to 10.30,however we went back home today early.